
Is the domestic dog a carnivore, omnivore or herbivore?

Correct! Wrong!

Dog’s can healthily eat a range of foods including grains and vegetables as part of their daily nutritional requirements without the need to solely rely on meat.

What is a dog’s most powerful sense?

Correct! Wrong!

The sense of smell is your dog’s most acutely sharpened sense. Dogs can smell better than humans, and they use it much more widely. Dogs use their noses to distinguish between people, places, foods, and prey.

The average lifespan of dogs is around...

Correct! Wrong!

Lifespan for dogs varies from breed to breed. The average is 10- 13 years.

Because of dogs unique relationship with humans they are often referred to as man’s best...

Correct! Wrong!

Of all the domesticated animals, dogs serve the widest array of roles: protector, helper, lifesaver, and companion. Dogs are incredible friends to people, so dogs are known as Mans Best Friend.

How many teeth does a fully grown adult dog have?

Correct! Wrong!

Adult dogs have 42 permanent teeth. Puppies possess 28 baby teeth, they lose those baby teeth and have a full set of adult teeth by the time they’re six months old.

Where are a dog's sweat glands located?

Correct! Wrong!

The pads of their feet is where they sweat, in addition to controlling their temperature by panting.

Which medical condition affects dogs the most?

Correct! Wrong!

Without proper exercise and a balanced diet, dogs can suffer from obesity. Obesity is listed as the number one health issue that all dog breeds encounter.

How many muscles do dogs have in their ears?

Correct! Wrong!

If you watch your dog closely, they have a lot of movement in their ears. With a minimum of 18 muscles in each ear, dogs can move their ears slightly to catch sounds.

What dog feature is as unique as a human fingerprint?

Correct! Wrong!

If you were to print your dog's nose, it would leave a unique pattern. In fact, a dog's nose print is as unique and as identifiable as the human fingerprint. If a dog could ever commit a crime, that would be a great identifier to have!

Always be prepared when you're looking to get a puppy! What is important to have in order when getting a dog?

Correct! Wrong!

When getting a dog, it's essential to make sure that you have a veterinarian that you can take them to, especially in the case of emergencies. Your puppy's health is very important to watch and take care of.

There are many things to make training your dog easier. Which of the following is one thing you can do to help them learn quicker?

Correct! Wrong!

Dogs can learn what you are trying to teach them better when you accompany the words with hand signals. Differing them is also a good idea so that the dog will not be confused with the signals you are giving it.

Besides being born deaf and blind, what else is a puppy born without?

Correct! Wrong!

A puppy is born without teeth, which only start to develop once they reach about six weeks of age. Then, as they begin to age and mature, they get their adult teeth that stick with them for life.

How many words can your pup learn?

Correct! Wrong!

Dogs are quite smart, and despite not being able to speak English themselves, they can still understand it! They can learn over 150 words that you say to them day-to-day. What word does your pup respond to best?

The purpose of whiskers on a dog is what?

Correct! Wrong!

Dogs use whiskers as one way to touch things. Their whiskers can give them lots of information about their surroundings such as the size of objects that they are near. Watch how important whiskers are to your pup the next time you're with them!

It's always important to know what mood your furry friend is in. Where might a dog's tail be if they are scared or sad?

Correct! Wrong!

A tail pointing to the ground or in between the legs is a good indicator that a pup is feeling sad or scared. Give them some comfort! They'll always appreciate and remember your kindness.

Some dogs have a need for speed! Which dog breed is the fastest?

Correct! Wrong!

In order to catch a running Greyhound, you'll have to jump inside of a car! It's impossible to keep up with them on foot as they can run as fast as 70 kilometres per hour.

How much exercise should a large dog get on average?

Correct! Wrong!

An hour a day is usually a good amount for a larger dog. Even if you might not have the space of a backyard, a trip to the park will do your pup a lot of good!

Upon meeting a new dog, what should you not do?

Correct! Wrong!

While dogs might look cute and cuddly, they may not be as open as you think to your love and affection. It's always wise to treat a dog with respect, especially upon meeting it. This includes refraining from staring into its eyes so that it doesn't think that your intentions are aggressive.

How many eyelids does a dog have?

Correct! Wrong!

Dogs have three eyelids, although you can't always see them. The third eyelid is a great indicator of your dog's eye health, as when it appears it is due to an issue that they are having.

They weren't born this way! When does a Dalmatian get its spots?

Correct! Wrong!

Dalmatians are known for their signature spots, but they don't always have them. Their spots only start coming in around a month after their birth.

Dog Quiz
Dog Genius! You know your dogs! Maybe you've got a pet dog, or maybe you're just a fan. Either way, nice work!

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